6 en 7 april is er een paasconferentie op de Betteld. Wilkin v.d.Kamp zal spreken over "Het wonder van het kruis." Deze quilt ( en nog 3) heb ik gemaakt n.a.v. dit boek. Het heeft mij zo enorm geraakt wat daar heeft afgespeeld. De liefde van God en het wonder, waardoor ik in vrijheid mag leven.
Zie april 2011 voor Nederlandse vertaling uitleg quilt)
The cup The 1e wonder: forgiveness
He drank the cup filled with wrath, filled with our sins
We may drink the cup of salvation.
His sweat was like drops of blood, falling to the ground.
The accuse The 2e en 3e wonder: salvation and purification
He was accused falsely to free us from every charge. ( Col.2:13-15)
He was oppressed and afflicted and they pulled His beard.
His blood purifies our consciences ( Heb.9:14)
The flogging The 4e wonder: healing
He has been flogged.
By His wounds we are healed. ( Jes.53:5)
The crown of thorns The 5e wonder: deliverance
He was crowned with thorns and took the curse of the world on Him ( Gal.3:13)
The cross and the nails The 6e wonder : reconciliation
He was pierced for our sins. (Jes.52/ 53)
His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man.
He loved us and was sent to us as a sacrifice for our sins. ( IJoh.4:10)
The spear The 7e wonder : regeneration
We must be born again. ( Joh.3)
Everyone who believes in the wonder of the cross died and is resurrected with Christ
I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.( Gal.2;20)
The border in red / beige
His blood was drawn on the earth. ( IJoh.1;7) Jesus blood cleans us from all our sins.
Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.(Heb.9;22)
The darkness
When Jesus died at the cross, there was darkness over the whole land.
It is accomplished!
Jesus said before He died:” It is accomplished”, and gave His spirit.
The curtain of the temple was torn in two.
The crown
Jesus is crowned with glory and honour. ( Heb.2:7-9)
The gold over the crown
Heaven, Gods glory.
The vineyard
Christ wants us remain in Him, so we can bear fruit to the glory of His name.
Apart from Him we can do nothing. ( Joh.15)
prachtige quilt Yvonne, wat valt er veel te leren van het kruis he?!